We’ve been off for a week—but we’re back with a supersized episode! While we only discuss eight books (plus an impromptu “Grounded” chat), there’s a lot of news to keep us going a bit long. Plus, we have plenty of announcements at the end of the show regarding our next Comic Con appearance, future episodes, and our brand-spanking-new website design. So listen on listeners!
Cape Town Comic Discussion
00:10:44 The Punisher #1: Punisher saves the day at the end of his first new issue—does the body count really exceed 50? Whew.
00:15:56 The Infinite #1: Nothing about this new Robert Kirkman/Rob Liefeld book has us excited.
00:22:19 Ultimate Fallout #1: We want more Miles Morales, Reed Richards and mutant conspiracy.
00:28:38 Flashpoint #4: Element Woman and a plodding story brings down the penultimate issue of DC’s big game-changer.
00:34:46 Severed #1: Scott Snyder, Scott Tuft and Atilla Futaki bring brilliance to their chilling period piece.
00:39:22 Rachel Rising #1: Our introduction to Terry Moore is solid—but we need more to form a concrete opinion.
00:43:15 Moon Knight #4: Brian Michael Bendis and Alex Maleev are at the top of their game with this spectacular title.
00:47:09 Flashpoint: Batman: Knight of Vengeance #3: Flat out, The best of the Flashpoint tie-ins.
Cape Town News Discussion
00:51:23 We question the brouhaha over race as it related to the new Ultimate Spider-Man and the casting of Laurence Fishburne in Superman: The Man of Steel.
01:02:23 Don worries about a “dark and edgy” Green Lantern sequel.
01:06:02 NonPlayer, another comic book that is extremely early in its run, gets picked up by Warner Bros.
01:09:13 Will we be getting to the comic shop at midnight to purchase Flashpoint #5 and Justice League #1.
01:12:09 We discuss the first shot of Henry Cavill as Superman and Selina Kyle from The Dark Knight Rises.
Cape Town Announcements
01:20:53: Big time announcements regarding the site, future episodes and our next Comic Con appearance.
Song “Black or White”
Robbie Fulks
Runtime: 01:28:27
Direct Download:
Cape Town Community Podcast - Ep. 028 - "Life is Like a Box of Pizza, & Other ‘Flashpoint’ Similes”
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