For my money (literally), DC is coming awfully close to crossing the line they so wonderfully drew earlier this month when they fulfilled their promise to carry a $2.99 cover price for their monthly titles. This was great news.
However, I don’t know if this is a coincidence or just a sneaky business tactic, but I have purchased three books in the past two weeks that continue into other titles that I don’t normally purchase. Power Girl #20 continued in Justice League: Generation Lost #18 this week, Teen Titans #91 continues next month in Red Robin 20, and Shazam! continues in Titans #32. Shazam! was even billed as a one-shot (below)!
What’s the deal?
Hey guys, I buy a lot of your books. There’s no reason to force your readers into purchasing additional books. You could argue “Well you don’t have to buy the other book.” I suggest you pick up the last eight issues of Power Girl and tell me I don’t have to read the crossover in Generation Lost.
I love crossovers with other books, but I also like to be told beforehand that it’s going to happen. I suppose this would not be such a big deal, but I’m not overjoyed about the number of times this has happened in a relatively short period.
I prefer when my favorite characters make a guest appearance in a book I’m not reading. Then I can either decide to pick it up or wait. But when DC decides to continue a story that has been going on for months on another title, I really don’t think the publisher is playing fair.