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Friday, July 8, 2011

Marvel Teases: The Mighty

Marvel has released their second teaser of the day, this time relating to Fear Itself. We've already seen all of The Serpent's Worthy and now we'll be getting their opponents: The Mighty. It appears these characters will be supercharged by Odin in order to take on The Worthy.

Most of these silhouette seem obvious but there's bound to be some trickery going on. Here's my best guess at the characters from Left to Right: Ms. Marvel, Iron First, Dr. Strange, Iron Man, Sif, Wolverine, Spider-Woman, Hawkeye, and Spider-Man (the main Avengers team plus Sif).

I know that a lot of fans are going to groan and gripe and accuse Marvel of being taken over by their Disney overlords and forced to make their characters look like they jumped out of Tron: Legacy but, personally, this image gets me extremely excited. I think we're about to see some of the most epic brawls in the history of the Marvel Universe in the next few months.

Max Beckman is a manager at Pulp Fiction in Long Beach, CA and You can follow him on Twitter @CheapGNsdotcom and on Facebook at Pulp Fiction can be found on the web at and at 1742 Clark Ave. Long Beach, CA 90815.


Don Ventura said...

Methinks she be Red She-Hulk and not Sif. Hopefully Deadpool gets added to the mix. And Aurora.

Jerry Ahern said...


carnivalofsins00 said...

I was thinking maybe Valkyrie and not Sif. Doubt it though.

And while I am perfectly fine with this, I am so upset that, once again, Marvel decides to spoil something. This would have surprised me completely if I just saw it happening in the Fear Itself title. Now I know it's coming.