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Monday, July 11, 2011

SDCC '11: Marvel Teases: Iron Fist

Marvel released the above teaser this morning indicating that the project will be announced at the Fear Itself panel at San Diego Comic Con on Sunday July 24th at 1230PM PST.

It seems pretty clear from the image that this will be a new Iron Fist series and I have an extremely strong idea of who the writer will be: Matt Fraction. Fraction of course had an extremely successful run on the character with Ed Brubaker and David Aja that seemed to short for most people. On several occasions since the series' conclusion Fraction has stated that he wanted to leave the book on an extremely high note without the risk of overstaying his welcome (he often said it would be like if The Clash had broken up after London Calling). However, several months ago, on one of Wordballoon's episodes, Fraction said that he had just come up with an idea for Iron Fist that was worthy of coming back to the series for and that he would pitch it to Marvel. In my mind, there's absolute no doubt that he'll be writing this new series.

Max Beckman is a manager at Pulp Fiction in Long Beach, CA and You can follow him on Twitter @CheapGNsdotcom and on Facebook at Pulp Fiction can be found on the web at and at 1742 Clark Ave. Long Beach, CA 90815.


Don Ventura said...

So I'll throw in my two cents: Nick Spencer. based on his current Fear Itself Iron Man 2.0 storyline, he is a fan of the Fraction Iron Fist run. He also said in a CBR interview that most of his Marvel projects would turn up towards the end of the year. My guess is that it's one of these two writers. Win/Win.

carnivalofsins00 said...

I want Fraction and Aja! Aja is less likely then Fraction. If it is Spencer, which I didn't even think about, this would still be amazing.

Don Ventura said...

My main reason for guessing Spencer is that he will be at the Fear Itself panel where they will be announcing the creative team.