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Friday, July 15, 2011

Supreme Power

Supreme Power

One of the best books to come out of the summer season is Supreme Power from Marvel's Max Comics.

This is a 4 part mini series that brings characters Hyperion and Doctor Spectrum back to their roots from the original Supreme Power series that debut back in 2003 from writer J. Michael Straczynski.

The Supreme Power world is as close to the real world that a comic book can get. This is something JMS stressed in his original run, focusing mainly on the idea of what would happen if a seedy government raised Superman.

The biggest unresolved plot from the original series was, who or what was really controlling Doctor Spectrum. The awesome power that 'Spectrum wields comes from a power crystal that is fused to his hand. From time to time the crystal becomes sentient, acting to either protect Hyperion or to bring together other super humans, always referring them to as "The Children"

In this new series writer Kyle Higgins continues this plot as Doctor Spectrum tries to balance his control over his powers while at the same time act as America's only superhero. Then just as that balance tips the world discovers that Hyperion is still alive.

Supreme Power was always a character driven book and not about the spectacle of super humans who can tear down countries (which was done in other stories).

I was a huge fan of the original run and I can't praise Higgins enough for bringing the book back to its core. We often hear that is what writers want to do but the difference between those books and this, is that it was accomplished.


carnivalofsins00 said...

I actually didn't read JMS' run on this, or anything prior to this, but I'm really enjoying it, and for the most part, I don't feel lost. Higgins is great, and is making me want to go back and read JMS' run.

Jerry Ahern said...

Higgins is the man.