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Thursday, October 14, 2010

Hulk Smashes His Way Back to the Small Screen

The Hulk
People tend to remember the original Hulk series from the 70’s fondly—the show was customized for television with a Fugitive-esque setting and was a big hit for CBS. Our hero, Dr. David Banner (not Bruce), moved from town to town while being followed by Jack McGee, an investigative reporter who worked for a news agency that must have had a lot of disposable money on their hands.

According to Heat Vision, ABC Television and Marvel Television (the latter led by former Hulk scribe Jeph Loeb) are eager to bring the mean green monster back to the small screen where he once thrived. Loeb’s television credits are none too shabby; he’s worked on Lost, Smallville and Heroes. ABC Family is also interested in bringing a series based on the original comic book runaways: Cloak and Dagger.

Marvel Television execs are currently soliciting ideas for the following possible properties: Heroes for Hire, The Eternals, Moon Knight, Ka-Zar, and the The Punisher among others. It will be interesting to see how Marvel affects to television landscape over the next few seasons.

Mark Millar appears to already be in talks to bring Superior to the big screen. Gosh it seems like just yesterday that Superior hit the comic shelves—oh wait. Well, Nemesis was greenlit after only three issues so I’m not surprised that Superman meets Big is also a hot property. Stay tuned for more developments!

Batman 3
Tom Hardy is the first fresh face to be added to what is sure to be another epic (and I don’t mean that as slang) Batman adventure. It has not yet been announced who the actor is playing, but there has been a good deal of speculation that he will be cast as one of the Caped Crusader’s rogues. My money says he will probably play a gangster (ala Eric Roberts or Tom Wilkinson). Hardy proved himself a scene stealer in Nolan’s Inception; I’m sure he’ll bring more of the same to the final installment in this series.

Green Lantern
When Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows soars into theaters next month in glorious 2-D, the opening act will be none other than Green Lantern (in the form of the first trailer for the 2011 summer blockbuster). Cross your fingers that this will be more than a one-minute snippet that’s free of glimpses of Sinestro, members of the Green Lantern Corps, or anything else that might make us wet our pants.

Green Lantern: The Animated Series
Bruce Timm, DC Animation’s guiding force, is hard at work on Green Lantern: The Animated Series. A one-hour special is set to air in the fall of 2011 on the Cartoon Network, with the regular series premiering in Spring 2012.

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