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Sunday, October 10, 2010

DC Superheroes: Ready for Their Close-Ups

Geoff Johns, DC's hardest working scribe and Chief Creative Officer, announced on Friday that DC would probably be releasing one or two superhero themed movies per year to fill the big magical hole left by the end of the Harry Potter franchise.

We already know that Green Lantern will be released next summer, and the following year will see both a Batman and a Superman film.  So which character get their next big screen shot?  The rumors have all pointed towards a Flash movie.  Johns himself has rightfully been credited for taking this second tier character and making him A-list material.  After this, who knows?

Fans have clamored for a big 'ol Justice League of America movie for the past few years.  The success of Green Lantern may be what leads Warner Bros. down a path similar to Marvel's.  That is, introduce the main characters in their own films and then have them all team-up in an ambitious-as-hell blockbuster ala 2012's The Avengers.  Remember that Marvel kept their plans quiet regarding an Avengers picture until the Monday after Iron-Man sailed away with $100.8 million.

Johns promised more news related to DC superhero properties would be announced "soon."

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