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Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Why I have a lot in common with Captain America

This is not a normal story/post here, but I thought I would share what I just read.

Captain America is going bald, well Chris Evan is anyway.

Per E .online he told MTV (does that sound weird?)
"I have no problem saying this, but I'm losing my hair,"

Why do I love this? Well it's not because I'm a jerk...its because I am 33 and my hair is getting thinner and thinner everyday.

I like to stay in shape and eat right but there is very little this side of a hair transplant that I can do.

So its awesome to see (or read) that the man playing the superior human has the same problem I do and he's 29.

Oh Cap, we still love you and your movie looks terrific. Just keep working out and let them fix it in post. At least you have that. I have to buzz my head.

Jerry Ahern of Capetown Community

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