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Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Green Lantern Movie Site Up (and a few other movie tidbits)

Green Lantern
Okay, well it doesn't do much of anything just yet, but the Green Lantern site just went up and that logo looks pretty damn cool.  I'm sure we'll start seeing production photos, behind the scenes videos, and awesome Sinestro wall paper before you know it.  Check out the following link for some misty goodness:

Emma Stone has been cast as Gwen Stacy in the new Spider-Man film.  Personally she seemed like a better fit as Mary Jane because Gwen was more of a straight-laced character while Mary Jane was the wilder, and more interesting, love interest.  However, if the filmmakers are drawing on the Ultimate Spider-Man title for their inspiration, this casting makes much more sense.  Gwen Stacy is a bit of a wild child in this series and hardly straight-laced.  The search for Mary Jane is being narrowed down considerably, so I suspect we'll be hearing news shortly on her casting.

Darren Aronofsky is said to be in serious talks to direct the next Wolverine outing.  It's going to take a miracle to fix this franchise and the director of Pi and The Fountain may be bold enough a choice to helm this picture in the right direction.  The sequel is going to have to provide more than a series of X-character cameos to get people into the seats; X-Men Origins: Wolverine is not a film that is fondly remembered.  A follow-up is going to have to come with some major buzz to get people in the seats.


Jerry Ahern said...

I love Emma Stone and super excited for Spiderman 2.0.

But yes, with that Red hair and sexy fun smile...I expected it to be Mary Jane...

But in thinking of Spiderman 2.0, do we need Mary Jane?

Don Ventura said...

I think Mary Jane can just be a friend in the first film, then act as a support for a grieving Peter in the second film, then they can fall in love I'm the third movie. That's how I would so if at least. I'm crossing my fingers that the movie will be based on the Clone Saga!

Jerry Ahern said...


I hope the villain is Hydro thats a character to be excited about.