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Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Marion Cotillard to Play Miranda Tate in 'Dark Knight Rises' and Not Talia al Ghul (wink-wink)

Okay guys (wink). It looks like Marion Cotillard (wink) had officially been cast in Christopher Nolan’s The Dark Knight Rises (wink). Cotillard (wink) will play Miranda Tate (wink) a member of the board of directors at Wayne Enterprises (wink) and not (wink-wink) Talia al Ghul as has often been rumored (winkity-wink-wink).

Okay, I jest. But for anyone who has been following the casting of this film can spot this act of subterfuge. I would guess that Nolan wants to bring mystery to his final Batman story, but if the revelation of Talia as a mole within Wayne Enterprises is being set up as one of the film’s big reveals—the director may need to go back to formula (as Dr. Stromm once so famously advised).

There are too many factors to indicate that Talia is going to be the film’s featured villain. First, we know that this is the final film of a trilogy that is supposed to tie the series up. Well, if we’re completing a story here, Talia—the daughter of Ra’s al Ghul—is the only character that makes sense. Also, late last year Nolan was casting for two female leads, a romantic lead and a villain. Anne Hathaway has been cast as Selina Kyle/Catwoman; while I believe Hathaway could play a villain, I think it’s clear that Hathaway is the love interest. Now guessing movie plot points is not my strong suit, but this all seems pretty clear to me.

The addition of Cotillard and Joseph Gordon-Levitt (as Detective John Blake) were announced today by Warner Bros. after a few months of rumors that the two were connected to the film.

The Dark Knight Rises is scheduled for release on July 20th, 2012.

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