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Thursday, April 14, 2011

Put Down the Pitchforks, the Star-Spangled Panties Are In

Rabid fanboys and fangirls can put down their pitchforks, torches, and mice now.

Wonder Woman will don her famous—albeit somewhat ridiculous—star spangled panties in the David E. Kelly television adaptation of the Amazon princess. NBC President Robert Greenblatt told TV Line earlier this week that the iconic “shorts” are going to appear in the Wonder Woman pilot along with the overly-maligned pants costume that appeared in the pilot’s first press photo last month.

I seriously can’t imagine that she will wear the traditional garb on a regular basis. There’s no disputing that Wonder Woman’s classic costume is iconic, but it is utterly impractical. Seriously, she wears go-go boots, star-spangled panties and a corset—it’s clobberin’ time! However, artists specializing in cheesecake have really done wonders with Diana’s outfit (specifically Adam Hughes and the late Michael Turner).

Greenblatt said, “…it’s always good to hear the feedback. I’d rather have people really passionately engaged in conversation, even if they hate something, than be kind of bored.” Mission accomplished.

Personally, I’d love it if people would stop ragging on the damn costume and wait for the show to air. Then rag away on Wonder Woman’s rags.

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