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Thursday, November 4, 2010

Assembling 'The Avengers' Comes with a Price

Bleeding Cool is reporting that Marvel is insisting that The Avengers be a cost-effective feature film.

That seems kind of ridiculous if it’s actually true. After all, The Avengers is essentially a sequel to a whole bunch of expensive movies: Iron Man, The Incredible Hulk, Thor and Captain America: The First Avenger. While they shouldn’t go bankrupt to put this movie out, they should know that the budget might need to be somewhere in the realm of Avatar (not the rumored budget, but $200 million-ish).

After all, this summer Robert Downey, Jr. said the movie was going to out-ambitious Inception before officially announcing the cast at the San Diego Comic-Con. This week, while doing press for Due Date, he told Splash Page that he’s read Writer/Director Joss Whedon’s script and that it’s “fantastic.”

So Marvel, do the right thing: storyboard the hell out of the film, scout tax-cut friendly locations, don’t film anything on water, but do not skimp on the special effects. If this movie is done right, and it has the right guy behind the wheel, then it has the potential to become acrowd pleaser and a money-making machine!

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