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Monday, November 8, 2010

Sinestro and Snape Together at Last! 'Green Lantern' Teaser Countdown

If you’re like me, part of the joy of going to the movies is watching the trailers. The release of the new Harry Potter film next week might just evoke a smidge of excitement at the prospect of seeing a long-awaited trailer. Just a smidge.

Warner Bros. is expected to use its holiday tent pole film to get people psyched about next summer’s big comic book adventure: Green Lantern. Comic Book Movie has posted a review of the trailer, but I have to say that I have my doubts as to its authenticity. Decide for yourself.

Geoff Johns, who pens the Green Lantern comic book, told Collider that it’s “pretty big” for a teaser. “I don't know the exact time length, but it's got more stuff in there than I would have thought for a teaser, that's for sure.”

Eager anticipation does not begin to describe my current state as I hold my breath for next week’s double-feature: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part I and the sure to be buzz-worthy Green Lantern teaser trailer!

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